Sunday, April 18, 2010

The first post...

Welcome to Sunday Treats!

My sister and I love to bake. Recently, it's become a bit of an obsession:

"Beck," I say.  "We should really put those cookie sheets away. They're taking up way too much table space."

"Nah.  Then we'd just have to get them back out tomorrow."

Oh, right.

It's true.  I read way more foodie blogs than publishing blogs (shhh, don't tell my boss), and our cookie sheets and cooling racks have pretty much taken up residence on our kitchen table.   I've started collecting coupons for parchment because I swear we go through it faster than toilet paper.

One of the reasons I think I like baking is because it's an exact science.  One cup of flour spooned and leveled IS different than one cup of flour scooped out of the bin.  I love to pick a recipe and then do it over again changing just one variable.  Our mom the science teacher and dad the engineer should be proud.

Anyways, as part of the scientist in me, I find it important to document my baking experiments, thus this blog. I'm not yet sure how often we'll post, or exactly what we'll post, and the whole photography thing is serious unfamiliar territory, so we're going to figure this out as we go along.  We welcome your comments!  Now if you'll excuse me, the oven timer isn't going to stop beeping on its own...

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